Lia Sotiriou studied psychology in Greece (Panteion University) and completed a MSc in the Netherlands (Leiden University) and a postgraduate training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Belgium (KU Leuven). In addition to long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy she is trained in Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT), Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT), Traumatherapy (EMDR) and in client centered psychotherapy. For the past few years she has been working with adult expats and immigrants in Dutch mental health care organisations.
- The Dutch Association of Psychotherapy (NVP)
- EMDR Hellas
- Flemish Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (VVPT)
- European Federation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (EFPP).
- Big registration psychotherapist: 89928913816 (Big-Register)
- AGB code practice: 94066288